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R Shiny package to analyze output from NetLogo behaviorspace experiments
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A zero-dimensional morphodynamic model of surface elevation change of a tidal flat.
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Fork of rstudio/revealjs to allow the use of custom reveal.js themes and transitions.
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R package for agent-based model of COVID-19 spread
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High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
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Graphical tools for analyzing Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations from Bayesian inference
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Calculate ocean CO2 saturation from GEOCARB output.
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GEOCARB model of global geochemical carbon cycle through deep time. Based on code from David Archer, who adapted it in turn from Robert Berner.
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Models of methane emissions. Adapted from Slugulator and methane models at https://climatemodels.uchicago.edu
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Fork of Pierre -Antoine Kremp's election poll aggregator at https://github.com/pkremp/polls
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